Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Serving at the Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House is dear to my heart.  They provide a 'home away from home' for families who have children that are either in the hospital or visiting the hospital for an appointment.  They provide all this for a nominal fee (just a few dollars) to the families.  You have no idea how comforting it is for families who have sick children to know they can depend on the comfort and security of a Ronald McDonald House.  Our family has stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in Montreal, Quebec - Canada and at the Ronald McDonald House at Loyola in Chicago, Illinois.  We have spent only dollars to stay at these wonderful houses and better yet most of the time we have been there meals have been provided to our families (and other families staying there) by volunteers!  So it just made sense when I was looking for a volunteer opportunity for Emma and her friends I chose our local Ronald McDonald House that serves Central Kentucky.  We planned a menu and asked some friends to come with us...we had a great time and I hope the guests there had a good meal too!

Our menu included:  

Chicken Pot Pie
Fabulous Green Beans tossed with Italian breadcrumbs
Mini Pumpkin Pies
Mini Derby Pies

Here are some photos (none of which include my daughter because she didn't want her photo taken - ah...teenagers!)
I want to thank our wonderful friends for coming out to help us do such a nice thing.

Please consider serving at your local Ronald McDonald House - you never know when someone you love may need this wonderful charity too!

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