Saturday, September 3, 2011

Hashbrown Nests

This morning I made these yummy, little creations for breakfast - they were amazing and pretty easy to prepare and low fat too!

Approximately half a package of frozen country style hashbrowns
Cooking Spray
1/2 - 3/4 cup cheddar cheese
1 container Egg Beaters - Southwestern Style


Thaw hash browns first - you can defrost them in the microwave a bit first if you don't have time to let them thaw.  Spray your muffin tin with cooking spray.  Salt and pepper the potatoes then divide mixture up equally among all 12 muffin tins. Firmly push potatoes into the bottom and up the sides of each muffin cup; leaving a well to put your egg mixture in later. Then spray potatoes again with cooking spray.  Bake in a 400 degree oven for about 20-25 minutes or until edges are fairly brown and potatoes look set.  Remove muffin tin from oven then sprinkle the cheddar cheese equally on top of each cup and then add egg mixture equally to each cup.  (I might add here you could make your own egg mixture instead of using egg beaters - I just really like the flavor and zing of the Southwestern style egg beaters.  If I was using my own mixture I would finely dice onions and peppers then add eggs and beat well.)  Turn the oven down to 375 degrees and bake an additional 15-20 minutes or until the eggs are set!

These little puppies were AMAZING - I thought the Mr. was going to do a back flip after eating them!  This was a must do again recipe.  ENJOY!

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