Thursday, August 25, 2011

Homemade Bug Spray

Today I want to share a recipe for making your own, homemade Bug Spray.  I hate putting all those chemicals on my family and on myself...but I also hate the idea of someone getting a mosquito bite - especially with West Nile Virus around.  I have read that this spray really works but needs to be applied every hour when outdoors.  You can use it on your face but spray it on your hands first and then rub onto face.

Here's what you need:

1 - 16 oz container witch hazel
15 drops of Cintronella Essential Oil
15 drops of Lemongrass Essential Oil
5 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
5 drops of Peppermint Essential Oil

I just opened the bottle of witch hazel and added my Essential Oil directly to the bottle and then put the cap back on a gave it a good shake.  Then use a small funnel to fill up a spray bottle. 

The Essential Oils are a little expensive but once you have them it should be a very long time until you have to buy them again.

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